The Root Supports You
Proverbs 13-15; Romans 11
“…You do not support the root, but the root support you…Do not be arrogant, but be afraid. For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.”
Romans 11:18, 20, 21
The roots of God’s revelation and salvation history to us as Gentiles are found in God’s covenant with Israel and his revelation to the patriarchs. We have been given a gift of grace in our salvation in Christ. Our lives have been grafted into God’s family tree. Our response must be humility and gratitude for God’s grace and mercy to us. It is God’s kindness and mercy that leads us to repentance, so there is no room for entitlement, arrogance or pride. The purpose of our lives is to bear fruit for God’s glory. Apart from Christ we can do nothing. In Christ, we are supported and nurtured by his grace and love, for fruit-bearing unto his glory.
“Thank you Jesus for your love and grace and your invitation to join your family.”