Wisdom, Humility and Grace

Proverbs 4-6; Romans 8 

“Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding…She will set a garland of grace on your head…guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”

Proverbs 4:7, 9, 23

To place value on what God values in life is wise. Wisdom herself is a prize that costs us many ‘learning opportunities’ and failures. The value of those failures and stumbles is only gathered with reflection and careful processing. The humility to acknowledge errors in judgment and learn from them redeems those experiences and purchases greater wisdom. The more wisdom we acquire, the greater humility we walk in. Without teachability and humility, wisdom will always be beyond our reach. Grace acknowledges unmerited favor, and is the public expression of wisdom and work in our lives. It is in our hearts, composed of our thoughts, our emotions and our will, that those qualities of wisdom, grace and humility grow. Guarding our hearts and these virtues is like guarding a treasure. Jesus is the key to a heart transformed in this way.

“May you transform my heart with wisdom, humility and grace – for your glory, Father God.”