Anointed Speech

1 Kings 22; 2 Chronicles 18-19; Colossians 4 

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

Colossians 4:5-6 

Disciples or followers of Jesus are always trying to win those they meet with the gospel. The mission that Jesus has given us is not ‘just for Sundays’ or mission trips. Every day our interactions with those we meet either advance or hinder the gospel. Our conversation either testifies that we live by the grace of God or for ourselves. The salting of our words indicates that our speech is being led by the Holy Spirit so that we speak appropriate words which preserve truth, disinfect slander and flavor conversations with God-honoring speech. Words matter to God. It requires self-control, wisdom and the Spirit’s anointing to be a consistent witness to the world around us with our speech. In order to make the most of every opportunity we must be full of God’s Spirit, listening to His promptings for what to say and when/how to say it. The Lord will guide us as we invite Him.

“Lord Jesus, fill me with your Spirit and life giving words this day so that others may be drawn to you.”