Live a Life Worthy
Ecclesiastes 7-9; Ephesians 4
“As a prisoner for the Lord then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”
Ephesians 4:1-2
We are called to be Christ’s ambassadors on earth. We represent the kingdom of God and we express the values and truths of that kingdom in how we live our lives. In Paul’s case, to live a life worthy of the calling he had received, he found himself arrested for sharing the gospel and put in prison. His response was not anger and frustration at the injustice of his situation, but love and humility. Paul was inspired by the example of Jesus, who in living a life worthy of His calling, willingly died a criminal’s death for us.
Can we live any other way?
To live worthy of the calling we have received, is to be filled with the love of God and the power of His Spirit, so that we are humble, gentle, patient, forbearing and loving. We are called to assignments and tasks, but more importantly, we are called to character, to a way of life worthy of followers of Jesus. Paul understood that and it transformed how he saw himself and his responsibilities in prison or as a free man.
Will we answer this call?
“Lord Jesus, you are my example of living worthy of your call. Fill me with your Spirit so that your life is expressed through me. May I be found faithful to this calling.”