The Call to Leadership
2 Kings 10; 2 Chronicles 22-23; 1 Timothy 5
Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, and do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.”
1 Timothy 5:22
The laying on of hands involves the transference of authority. When it is done in setting apart someone for ministry, they are required to express that ministry for God’s glory and not their own. Young believers are not yet formed in their values and identity in the kingdom and become vulnerable to pride and abuse of their authority if given leadership too quickly. Discernment over time is essential in the calling out of leaders and those who are given authority in the church. When there is unconfessed sin in their lives, our support of their leadership and its consequences make us accountable for their leadership as well. Purity allows for God’s blessing and presence in our lives and the broader church.
“Lord Jesus, I humble myself before you. Cleanse my life from anything that would dishonor your name and give us discernment as we call out leaders.”