God’s Rule over Leaders
Isaiah 36,37; Psalms 76; 1 Peter 1
“Surely your wrath against men brings you praise, and the survivors of your wrath are restrained…He breaks the spirit of rulers; he is feared by the kings of the earth.”
Psalm 76:10, 12
Throughout history, God’s dealings with the kings of the earth have been a story of men being humbled for God’s kingdom purposes. The rebuke, and then the destruction of the king of Assyria are recorded in Kings, Chronicles, and Isaiah, because they are important. God hates pride and opposes the proud. When leaders reject God’s mercy and grace, they face God’s discipline and wrath. Leaders face a higher standard of behavior because they set the example for those they lead. God’s desire is that leaders would live with the healthy fear of the Lord and a surrendered spirit. When authority is submitted to God, much good can be accomplished. When authority is in rebellion against God, many people are led astray. For that reason we are urged to pray for those in authority, that they would lead in God’s ways with righteousness and justice, for God’s glory.
“Lord God Almighty, all kings and kingdoms will ultimately bow to you. I pray for your grace and mercy to transform the hearts of our national leaders, that you might be praised.”