Blessed to be a Blessing

Jeremiah 48-49; Ps 67; 1 John 1

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.”

Psalm 67:1, 2

It is God’s presence in our lives that illustrates and adds credence to the gospel. As recipients of God’s grace, his love, and his favor through salvation, our very lives testify that God’s saving power is real and available to all. We have been blessed to be a blessing. The nations need to both hear and see a visible witness of God’s salvation and ways.

How will that happen unless God’s people, with his face shining upon them, live among the least reached nations who have not heard of God’s glory or his saving gospel?

Our God has revealed himself to us in Jesus Christ, and he continues to reveal Jesus and his ways through the Holy Spirit to all who seek him.

“Lord Jesus, thank you for pursuing me and blessing me with your presence. I have been blessed to be a blessing that the nations might know your ways and your salvation.”