Which Way Will We Turn?
Jeremiah 13-15; John 15
“…If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman. Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.”
Jeremiah 15:19
God’s presence in our lives is the most valuable resource we have. When we agree with sin, we grieve God and we lose our usefulness to him. Repentance means that we agree with God’s perspective once again, and we turn away from sin and walk in God’s ways.
Which way will we turn?
Turning toward worldly ways and the sins of those we are trying to reach, puts us off side with God. Turning toward God, sometimes puts us off side with the people around us. God desires that we live and communicate his words and ways. He is looking for spokes-people in every community and every generation - spokes-people who live for God’s glory and not their own - spokes-people who value God’s perspective, will, and words, more than the approval of those around them.
Which way will we turn?
“Lord Jesus, I turn to you again today. I desire to remain in you, so that your words remain in me, so that I my bear much fruit, for your glory.”