Where is our Allegiance?
John, 9-11
“‘What are we accomplishing?’ they asked. ‘Here is this man performing many miraculous signs. If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.’”
John 11:47, 48
Fear is a powerful and destructive motivator. The essence of the gospel is to move from fear to love as the motivator for our lives. Jesus’ presence, his gospel, and his power, require a response. Like the Jewish religious leaders we too might have a lot to lose in fully surrendering our lives to Jesus. They were concerned about losing their status, their temple, and their national identity.
Do we identify with our culture, our nation, or our social status, more than we identify with Jesus?
If we do, Jesus’ gospel of the kingdom is probably threatening to us, just as it was to the Jews. Like the Jewish religious system of Christ’s day, our valued systems and status will not last, only Christ’s kingdom is eternal.
Who will we live for and give allegiance to today?
“Lord Jesus, your name, your kingdom, and your gospel, all have my allegiance. I am yours.”