Favor in God’s Eyes

Genesis 6-8; Luke 3 

“But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. This is the account of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.”

Genesis 6:8, 9

There is no more valuable attribute than to find favor in the eyes of the Lord. In the wickedness of Noah’s generation, he stood out like a beautiful flower. God’s eyes were upon him.


Noah valued righteousness, he lived with integrity in his relationships, and he honored God in the way he lived his life. Most importantly, Noah walked with God. Noah learned God’s ways by walking with God and by spending time with God. To find favor with God, we must learn his ways, receive his righteousness through Jesus Christ, and become apprentices of Jesus. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, we can walk with God in ways more intimate than were possible before Pentecost. Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for our sins, we can find favor with God in ways that were not possible through the blood sacrifices of animals. We, too, can find favor with God in a generation much like that in which Noah lived.

“Lord God, I humble myself before you, thanking you that your eyes are upon me. Make me a blessing in my generation, for your glory.”