Jesus Christ, Our Central Focus
Leviticus 20-22; Acts 20
“And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”
Acts 20:22-24
Paul’s farewell speech to the Ephesian Church elders was focused on preparing them to serve and lead well. Paul wanted these leaders to also be led by the Spirit in all they did, endure hardships for the gospel, and testify whenever possible to the transforming power of the gospel of God’s grace.
What would we say if it were our last visit with Church leaders and friends in whose lives we had invested?
Would it be clear that the Lord Jesus was our leader, guide, example, and foundation?
Would we focus on ourselves, or on those whom we were leaving?
Paul was an inwardly motivated leader who was often “compelled by the Spirit” to act in ways that were costly and not well understood, but that ultimately advanced the gospel. Sometimes that greater purpose and plan can only be understood when we look back on our journey.
“Lord Jesus, you are my focus and my life. Guide my choices and life, for your glory.”