My Rock
Numbers 17-18; Psalms 29; Mark 4
“’Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water’...”
Numbers 20:8
“To you I call, O Lord my Rock; do not turn a deaf ear to me…”
Psalm 28:1
Where do we go with our thirst when life gets dry?
Some people go to their favorite beverage, others to a satisfying job or a relationship in order to quench their thirst.
Where do we go to find love, purpose, meaning, and hope?”
What is our rock?
Jesus invites us to come to him as our Rock. Faith is required to believe water can pour from a rock, just as it requires faith to believe our current thirst solution will help us. The Psalmist David cried out to the Lord as his Rock and believed that his life was better off in the hands of the Lord.
Will we call on the Lord when we are thirsty?
Will we entrust our needs and our very life into his hands?
“Lord God, you are my Rock and my Source of Living Water. Thank you for filling me and satisfying my soul.”