Temples of Intercession
Numbers 34-36; Mark 11
“And as he taught them, he said, ‘Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers.’”
Mark 11:17
In Revelation 7, John’s vision of the nations before the throne of God continues to be the picture of the kingdom of God. Our privilege is to cooperate with God’s global and eternal mission of reconciling all things to himself through Christ. We cooperate with God through our prayers, intercession, and our faith-filled obedience. Jesus’ anger that the court of the Gentiles was being used for sacrifice transactions was rooted in the truth that greed and idolatry were interfering with God’s mission.
Our bodies are now serving as the temple of the Holy Spirit. God’s heart is still for the nations and prayer for all nations to be birthed in our lives.
Is there anything in our lives interfering with prayer for all nations?
Will we invite the Holy Spirit to pray God’s reconciling mission-filled prayers through us?
“Lord Jesus, I offer my body to you as an instrument of intercession, for your glory.”