“No Hold on Me”
Jeremiah 10-12; John 14
“I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me, but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me.”
John 14:30, 31
While Jesus loved and obeyed his Father in heaven, he also faced regular temptations from the prince of this world. As Jesus prepared himself and his disciples for the cross, he knew that any “holds” the enemy found would be exploited. Any areas of independence, self-pity, fear, pride, lust, or anger would be used against Jesus in the spiritual battle that lay ahead of him. However, Jesus was clear, “…he has no hold on me…”.
Does he have any hold on us?
Are there repetitive sins in our lives which the prince of this world exploits even as we seek to do the Father’s will?
Will we invite the Holy Spirit to show us any holds the enemy has in our lives as well as the root of that hold?
Areas of wounding, addictions, and relationship pain are some of the most common holds. Praying through them with a mature Christ-follower will lead us to freedom.
“Lord Jesus, I invite your Spirit to expose any holds of the enemy in my life so I, too, can live free, for your glory.”