Our Rest in God

Isaiah 65-66; Psalms 62; John 3 

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge.”

Psalm 62:5-7

Where do we find rest at the core of our being when everything around us is shaking? 

David’s life included chapters where even those closest to him disappointed and even betrayed him. He lived for years as a fugitive in caves, which forced him to discover God as his fortress. When others sought to kill him, he found God as his salvation. When his name and reputation were attacked, David found God upholding his honor. When there was nothing left to trust, David found the presence of God as his refuge and mighty rock.

How is God redeeming the shaking in our lives?

What are we discovering about God through life circumstances we would not have chosen?

As others have said before, our soul is restless until we find our rest in God alone.

“Lord God, I confess that I look for rest in other places than in your presence and in your arms. You alone are unshakable and my refuge. Be glorified in and through the storms I face and in how I respond, for your glory.”