Job 3-4; Acts 8-9
“Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.”
Acts 9:31
The season of growth experienced by the early Church following the conversion of Saul was marked by a number of aspects. It was a time of peace after a period of intense persecution. The Disciples of Christ were strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit. The daily life of these disciples was marked by their fear of the Lord.
We can probably relate to the conditions of peace and the strengthening and encouragement of the Holy Spirit, but how about the fear of the Lord?
Have we lost a large measure of the fear of the Lord in the western Church?
Are the lack of awareness of the presence of the Lord and of our accountability to him contributing factors to the lack of growth in much of the western Church?
Are we more afraid of rejection in our community than the Lord’s displeasure?
“Lord Jesus, I pray for a greater awareness of your presence and of my accountability to you each day, than concern for the opinions of others.”