Faith Begins at Home

 1 Timothy 5-6; Titus 1-3 

“…these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family…If anyone teaches false doctrines…He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words…”

1 Timothy 5:4; 6:3, 4

In Paul’s letter to Timothy he instructed a younger pastor to refocus the Church’s attention on daily discipleship and loving relationships in their immediate family and workplace, rather than debating doctrine and the relevance of Mosaic Law. Our faith in Christ must be expressed in our love for those closest to us, or our understanding of salvation becomes somehow inadequate. When salvation is defined as a body of knowledge or truth, we give mental assent, even debating this with others. We have not yet experienced the Holy Spirit’s deep conviction of sin and inner surrender of our will. A life of loving surrender to Christ is evidenced in our family relationships, integrity, humility, and love. Salvation must transform our heart, not just our ideas.

“Lord Jesus, keep me from quarrels which distract and destroy, and love my family through me, for your glory.”