Light the Area
Numbers 8-9; Acts 28
“The Lord said to Moses, ‘Speak to Aaron and say to him, ‘When you set up the seven lamps, they are to light the area in front of the lampstand.’”
Numbers 8:1, 2
Why were the seven lamps set up to light the area in front of the lampstand?
The purpose of the lamps was to provide light for the priests who were serving in the tabernacle. Behind the curtain, the Lord himself filled the Holy of Holies with light. There was no need for lamps if the Lord was the only person dwelling in the tabernacle. Neither light nor darkness is relevant to the Lord as he can see all things, in all conditions, and in every place. The seven lamps symbolized the seven-fold Spirit of God which flowed like oil or fuel to keep the lamps burning. Our lives are now like those lamps burning with Spirit-fueled light in the darkness of this world. We, too, are to shine brightly and not under a bushel or covering. We are to shine so others will benefit and be drawn to God.
Can others see evidence of God’s light in us?
“Lord, you call me the light of the world. Shine through me so others are drawn to you this day, for your glory.”