Numbers Are Not Enough

Numbers 1-2; Acts 24 

“From the descendants of Dan: All the men twenty years old or more who were able to serve in the army were listed by name, according to the records of their clans and families. The number from the tribe of Dan was 62,700.”

Numbers 1:38, 39

Despite having the second largest number of fighting men after Judah, the tribe of Dan failed to possess their allotted inheritance. Their inheritance included the fertile coastal plain next to the Philistine cities that were populated by giants. Unlike the tribes of Judah and Simeon who teamed together to fight for their inheritance, the tribe of Dan struggled alone. Their sole deliverer was Samson, a leader who fought alone. The size of our ‘army’, our individual gifts, or our strength, is less relevant than our capacity to work in teams and together help one another possess the inheritance. Many are battling lust, fear, generational sin, and pride on their own. God calls us to humble ourselves, love one another enough to open up our lives (territory) to each other, and fight for the inheritance of others.

“Lord, give me grace to fight for the inheritance of others and invite them into my battles, for your glory.”