Head Shielded
2 Samuel 1; Psalms 140; Matthew 13
“O Sovereign Lord, my strong deliverer, who shields my head in the day of battle – do not grant the wicked their desires, O Lord;…Let slanderers not be established in the land;…”
Psalm 140:7, 8, 11
Just as the head must be protected in a physical battle, so our mind must be protected in a spiritual battle. Our thoughts influence our actions and eventually our character. The battle to bring every thought captive to Christ is our daily challenge. The victory has already been won by Christ! He shields our head in the day of battle, but we must be in Christ, living in full surrender to him for Christ’s presence to shield us. Gossip, slander, and the schemes of the enemy to distract and defeat us are the nature of the battle for many of us who follow Jesus! He is our strong deliverer!
“Lord Jesus, deliver me from evil this day and protect my head from the accusers lies, for your glory.”