Risking it All
2 Samuel 3; 1 Chronicles 12; Matthew 15
“These were the men who came to David at Ziklag, while he was banished from the presence of Saul…they were kinsmen of Saul…These are the numbers of the men armed for battle who came to David at Hebron to turn Saul’s kingdom over to him, as the Lord had said:”
1 Chronicles 12:1, 2, 23
Coming to join David’s cause at Ziklag was very different from coming to join David’s army at Hebron. Those who traveled to Ziklag risked their lives and Saul’s wrath. Those who later traveled to Hebron came for a coronation ceremony. Those who traveled to Ziklag, in particular those who were kinsmen of Saul, knew there could be reprisals against their families. Perhaps some of them had heard Saul’s loud repentance on the two occasions when David had spared his life. The Ziklag leaders understood the mission was valuable enough to risk everything.
Do we? Are we standing with Christ today in our workplace, neighborhood, and family?
Or, are we a secret supporter who will rally to him later when he is crowned King of kings before everyone?
“Lord Jesus, I am joining your army now, offering all I am to you and your mission, for your glory.”