Faith at Home
1 Kings 4-5; 2 Chronicles 2; Psalms. 101; 2 Thessalonians 3
“I will be careful to lead a blameless life…I will walk in my house with blameless heart. I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me. Men of perverse heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to do with evil.”
Psalm 101:2-4
Our homes are the first place where our faith is on display and either authenticated or discredited. David was determined not to approve of anything vile. He wasn’t tempted with TV or internet programming; yet, we know David was tempted to abuse his power to take what wasn’t his and hurt another man’s family. Perversion is being celebrated in our culture and debated in our homes. Like David, we have a choice to resist what God calls sin, or bring it into our homes. Our choices will affect the faith of the next generation and their walk with God.
“Lord Jesus, be glorified in our home.”