Love Deep
2 Samuel 10; 1 Chronicles 20; Psalms. 20; Matthew 22
“…’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Matthew 22:37, 39
Why does Jesus remind us to love God, and not just know him?
Jesus is quoting from the Ten Commandments, reminding his audience that memorizing the law and all its specific application must first engage the heart and the emotions. Love is to be the primary description of our relationship with God.
Is that true for us?
Love is also to be the primary description of our relationships with our neighbors. We are to be known in our communities as those who love.
Is that true of us?
Love trumps knowledge, devotion, reputation, and any other benchmarks we might have for our relationship with God and others.
In what ways are we loving others?
“Lord Jesus, I repent for not loving well. I need your Spirit to renew first love and your love within me so that I have something to share with others, for your glory.”