God’s Encouraging Words
2 Kings 1-3; Psalms.82; 1 Timothy 1
“Timothy, my son, I am giving you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, holding on to faith and a good conscience…”
1 Timothy 1:18, 19
God spoke prophetically to Timothy, early in his discipleship journey, about his gifting and calling in the kingdom of God. Over the years, the Lord brought these prophetic words back to Timothy, fulfilled to remind and encourage him that God was going before him. Even though Timothy received prophetic words regarding his gifting and calling in ministry, he needed to fight daily, in faith, to possess the promises. He needed to live with purity and a clear conscience before the Lord. The prophetic words encourage us, but they don’t replace the daily disciplines of discipleship and faith-filled obedience to Jesus and his Word.
What has the Lord spoken to us and promised us that we need to recall, so that we, too, can fight well in the spiritual battles we face?
“Lord Jesus, open my ears to listen to your Word, so that I can fight well, for your glory.”