Speaking From God

Isaiah 50-52; Psalms 92; 2 Peter 1 

“For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”

2 Peter 1:21

We serve the living God who speaks to us today by his Spirit. The prophetic writings in Scripture were first spoken to people who were listening to God. This prophetic anointing continues to fill the lives of those who ask God for it, as Paul counseled us to do (1 Corinthians 14:1). Peter was aware of his imminent departure when he wrote 2 Peter because the Lord was speaking to him. Throughout the world today, the Lord is speaking to his children, guiding their lives into fruitful mission as they cooperate with him.

Are we listening to the Word of the Lord, or just analyzing it?

The Church and the world need to hear the Word of the Lord today.

Will we listen with ‘awakened ears’ so we can have instructed tongues (Isaiah 50:4).

“Lord Jesus, you are the Living Word within me by the Holy Spirit. Disciple me and teach me your ways so I can live and proclaim the Good News, for your glory.”