The Body of Christ

Job 16; Acts 21-23

“’Who are you Lord?’ I asked. ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting,’ he replied…’Get up,’ the Lord said, ‘and go into Damascus. There you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.’”

Acts 22:8, 10

When the Church, the body of Christ, is persecuted, the Lord Jesus feels the pain. When we become part of his body, we receive direct communication from Jesus Christ, our Living Head. The Word of the Lord is living, active, and sharper than a sword. The body of Christ would become Paul’s assignment as he called both Jews and Gentiles to salvation in Christ. Jesus feeds and cares for his body, the Church (Ephesians 5:29, 30), and he invites us to love the body of Christ as he does. When one part of the body is in pain, other parts are affected and the whole body adjusts.

Have we grasped this broader reality of Christ’s one body, or are we focused on our own needs in a particular, local expression of Christ’s body?

Are we experiencing Christ’s care and provision as members of his body?

“Lord Jesus, my life comes from you; in your body I am known and serve, for your glory.”