A Pomegranate or an Avocado?

Ex 39-40; Psalms 15; Acts 12 

They made the robe of the ephod entirely of blue cloth…They made pomegranates of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen around the hem of the robe…The bells and pomegranates alternated around the hem of the robe to be worn for ministering, as the Lord commanded Moses.”

Exodus 39:22-24, 26

Why did God require pomegranates to be woven on the hem of the priestly garments?

Of all the fruit God could have chosen to be displayed on these garments, as well as on the temple pillars, why pomegranates? Most fruit contains seeds and pulp to feed the seeds in reproduction. The pomegranate is unique in that it is composed almost entirely of seeds. This fruit symbolizes the sacrificial intent to multiply itself. God’s ways include multiplication of fruitfulness and life. We have been blessed to be a blessing. Like Abraham, God’s promises of descendants for us are like the sand of the seashore and the stars of the heavens. The church multiplied on the day it was birthed at Pentecost.

Are we a pomegranate or an avocado?

God’s intention is that we multiply.

“Lord Jesus, fill me with your Spirit and multiply your life through me, for your glory.”