Love Expresses Faith
Deuteronomy 25-27; Galatians 5
“…The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”
Galatians 5:6
What would we say really counts in our walk with Jesus today?
What are we counting?
Are we counting daily Bible reading, prayer, gospel opportunities, church attendance, and tithing?
Paul points us to faith, count faith.
How is faith measured?
Paul points us to love and the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives. Faith requires action to be visible; but, when we only measure the actions we can miss the source. Love for our neighbor as we love ourselves is the summary of the whole Law of Moses. When faith in God is expressed through this kind of sacrificial, generous love, we know it counts and is worth counting.
How are we counting faith?
Taking a few minutes to reflect on our current faith-journey and where the Lord is inviting us to grow could change our prayers and behavior in the days ahead. Let’s keep our eyes on the Lord, the author and perfecter of our faith-journey who indwells us by his Spirit and is available to strengthen our loving faith today.
“Lord Jesus, love through me in practical ways today, for your glory.”