Crossed Over

1 Samuel 25-26; Psalms 63; Matthew 9

“So David took the spear and water jug near Saul’s head…Then David crossed over to the other side and stood on top of the hill some distance away; there was wide space between them.”

1 Samuel 26:12, 13

“Jesus stepped into a boat, crossed over and came to his own town. Some men brought to him a [paralyzed man], lying on a mat…”

Matthew 9:1, 2

David took Saul’s spear as he slept, the same spear Saul had hurled at him. Instead of engaging Saul in warfare, David “crossed over” to a spacious place and then gently rebuked Saul for his jealous fear and intent to kill.

How do we respond when “spears” are thrown at us?

Have we crossed over to a higher place, or do we fight flesh and blood?

Jesus left his confrontation with the demoniac by crossing over to his home town. When the enemy taunted him, Jesus responded with authority. Jesus didn’t just forgive sin, he took sin upon himself and allowed the “spear of sin” to pierce his side. He died in our place. He crossed over ahead of us and will one day welcome all, who by faith receive his gospel and forgiveness.

Have we crossed over from death to life?

“Lord Jesus, thank you for defeating the power of sin and death so I can live in peace, for your glory.”