Freed from Judgment
1 Kings 7; 2 Chronicles 4; Psalms 98; Romans 2
“You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.”
Romans 2:1
Paul’s point is that observance of the law is impossible and observant Jews are only judging themselves when they judge law breakers.
What about evangelical Christians?
Some have called us the modern Pharisees.
In what ways are we, too, judging others rather than acknowledging that salvation is by faith in grace alone?
When we put ourselves in the gospel stories, are we the Christ-figure?
Or, are we the leper, prostitute, prodigal, tax collector, and unclean?
Each day, when we remember our great need of God’s grace, mercy, and Holy Spirit’s empowerment, we become carriers of good news. God’s invitation is for our hearts to be circumcised, to become hearts of flesh and not hard like stone. When our hearts are soft, we intercede for those trapped by sin; we willingly lay down our lives for those who are lost. We stop judging other Christians, recognizing our own need for God’s grace.
“Lord God, I humble myself before you, for your glory.”