The Strength of an Ox

Proverbs 13-15; Romans 11 

“Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes abundant harvest.”

Proverbs 14:4

Who doesn’t want an abundant harvest? - Not just one, but repeated abundant harvests?

Who doesn’t want food in the manger when there are many hungry stomachs?

The writer of Proverbs points to the undervalued role of oxen in cultivating soil, transporting and threshing harvest grain. The ox is strong, patient, steady, and reliable. Unlike the horse, an ox doesn’t shy away from obstacles such as rocks under the plow.

Do we know who oxen are on our harvest teams?

Do we value and communicate appreciation to the oxen on our teams and in our lives?

If the profile of an ox describes us, are we aware of how our essential role contributes to the spiritual harvest teams we participate in?

While the horses, or leaders, on our teams might get more recognition and visibility, it is from the strength of an ox that abundant harvest comes.

“Lord Jesus, strengthen my faith, patience, humility, and perseverance for the sake of your harvest, for your glory.”