Desperately Aware

 2 Kings 1-3; Psalms 82; 1 Timothy 1 

“The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst.”

1 Timothy 1:14, 15

Reflecting on the depravity of our hearts apart from Christ is a healthy exercise. When we subtly believe we were fairly good people before we experienced Christ’s forgiveness and grace, perhaps we are still living in self-righteousness. Our experience of Christ’s grace/unmerited favor should so overwhelm us that we are broken, awe struck, humbled, and undone. Paul was convinced that he was the worst of sinners and unworthy of God’s grace. No one is worthy! That’s the point of grace.

Have we experienced Christ’s love, faith, and grace, abundantly poured out on our lives?

Or, was our salvation an intellectual decision based on our understanding of the gospel?

Are we aware of how desperate our need of Christ and his grace are in our lives?

“Lord Jesus, you are my salvation. Thank you for grace, mercy, faith, love, and hope, for your glory.”