I Want to Know Christ

 1 Kings 13-14; 2 Chronicles 12; Philippians 3 

“He did evil because he had not set his heart on seeking the Lord.”

2 Chronicles 12:14

“…I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me…I want to know Christ…”

Philippians 3:12, 10

Rehoboam’s mother was an Ammonite and his extended family included worshipers of many gods other than Yahweh. He didn’t see his father Solomon, seeking the Lord beyond the required annual feasts and sacrifices. Rehoboam’s heart was divided until he experienced the discipline of the Lord through the invasion of Pharaoh. Sometimes it takes a crisis in our lives to remind us that it is only the living God who can satisfy our soul’s longings. The apostle Paul met Christ on the Damascus Road while on a mission to arrest and kill Christians. Paul spent the rest of his life pursuing and seeking Jesus in order to know him better. His visions from Jesus and his incredible encounters with Christ were not the high points of his life. There were still more.

Are we seeking to know Christ better, or are we resting in a decade's old testimony?

“Lord Jesus, I want to know you more, for your glory.”