Our Glory from God

 Isaiah 50-52; Psalms 92; 2 Peter 1

“For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory saying, ‘This is my Son, whom I love, with him I am well pleased.’”

2 Peter 1:17

Our honor and glory as sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty is that we, too, can regularly experience the Spirit speaking in our hearts, telling us that we are God’s children, known by him, loved by him, and pleasing to him. There is no greater honor than the King of Glory opening the ears of our heart so we can learn to listen and obey his voice. The Word of God lives within us and we are transformed from glory to glory in his presence. If we are still relating to the Lord like “outer court” worshipers, we, too, need to pass through the torn veil into the holy of holies. Our Father who is in heaven and whose name is holy has invited us to know him through Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit. He will share his honor and glory with us.

“Father God, thank you for inviting me into your presence and relationship with you, for your glory.”