Do You Love Me?
Jeremiah 45-47; Psalms 105; John 21
“…’Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?’ ‘Yes, Lord,’ he said, ‘You know that I love you.’…Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’ He said, ‘Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.’…”
John 21:15, 17
After asking Peter twice whether he loved with the agape love of God, Peter responded both times that he loved Jesus with brotherly affection. Peter was asked a third time whether he loved Jesus. However, the third time Jesus used Peter’s preferred word of ‘brotherly affection’. It is this shift from the sacrificial, costly love of God, to the human term of endearment that offended, or hurt Peter. Peter knew he hadn’t met the high bar of agape in his denial of Jesus; but, surely he had met the lower bar of friendship. Jesus responded by preparing Peter for the costly agape “love unto death” that he would experience and lead with throughout his life and ministry. Jesus still meets us as his disciples wherever we are and calls us to levels of obedience and sacrifice we never thought possible.
What is Jesus’ question for us today?
“Lord Jesus, I desire to live in such a way that you know I love you and you are glorified.”