The Mystery of God Accomplished

Ezekiel 25-28, Revelation 10 

“…’There will be no more delay! But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.’”

Revelation 10:6, 7

The prophetic words concerning the Messiah bringing the fullness of God’s kingdom to earth will be fulfilled. The disciples asked Jesus when he would be bringing this kingdom to Israel in a manifest form (Acts 1:6). Christ’s reply acknowledged the coming kingdom on earth, but refocused the disciples on their Spirit-empowered assignment as witnesses of Jesus. These disciples did not anticipate two thousand years between Christ’s first and second coming. They did not understand the mystery of the kingdom which is both new and not yet. Like the disciples, we, too, live in anticipation of the fullness of Christ’s kingdom coming at his return.

Are we spiritually awake, cooperating with Christ’s mission and anticipating his return?

The time is now; the harvest is ripe. Today is the day of salvation.

“Lord Jesus, come! I await your return and will obey your commands today, for your glory.”