In the Hands of God

Ezra 5-6; Psalms 138; Luke 16 

“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me. The Lord will fulfill his purposes for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever – do not abandon the works of your hands.”

Psalm 138:7, 8

David’s confidence in God’s presence and protection over his life was rooted in the knowledge of who God is. David knew God and was filled with God’s Spirit. As David placed his life in the hands of God, God stretched out his hands to shield David from the enemy. God’s promises to David represented both the good works and workmanship of God. Like David, we too, have been created as God’s workmanship for good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. Our focus must remain on walking with God and daily surrendering our will to his will. God will take care to fulfill his purposes in us and for us for his glory.

“Lord God, my life is in your hands; glorify your name.”