No Favoritism

 Job 5; Psalms 108; Acts 10-11

“Then Peter began to speak: ‘I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.’…While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message.”

Acts 10:34, 35, 44

The Jewish understanding that they were God’s chosen people implied that other nationalities were not chosen. In each of our stories of God’s grace to our people, we, too, can become convinced that God has a unique love and plan for us. We, too, can be blinded by favoritism to God’s call on other denominations, movements, nations, peoples, and genders. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit releases God’s gifts and fruit into the lives of men and women of every tribe, tongue, and nation. We need the gifts of every denomination and gospel movement throughout the earth for the Church to grow and mature into the image of Christ.

Whose “house,” whether denominational or cultural, is God sending us to in order to expand our kingdom-frame of reference?

Which “Cornelius” are we being sent to, or which “Peter” are we called to receive in Christ’s name?

“Lord Jesus, free me from a bias in your kingdom, for your glory.”