Still a Long Way Off

Zechariah 13-14; Psalms 147; Luke 15 

“’…But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.’”

Luke 15:20

Our Father’s heart of compassion toward us is greater than our sin, our fears, and our pride. The prodigal son “hit bottom” and began to realize what he was missing. Repentance is being sorry for the effect of sin on us and on God, and then turning our hearts back toward home. It is a change of heart that is a work of God’s grace in us. The Father’s compassion toward his prodigal son was constant. He didn’t wait for a moving repentance-speech before moving toward his son. While we are “a long way off” God’s heart moves toward us in love.

Which way are we walking today? – Toward our Father’s presence or away from him?

“Father God, I humble myself before you and thank you for your mercy toward me in Christ, for your glory.”