The Blessing of Unity

Nehemiah 1-2; Psalms 133; Luke 22 

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers [God’s people] live together in unity!...For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.”

Psalm 133:1, 3

God’s promise of the blessing of his presence when we live together in unity describes a quality of life that is eternal and only comes from God. This was God’s intention for Adam and Eve when he blessed them, commanding them to be fruitful and multiply. God’s presence, or life, within us makes us fruitful in both quality and quantity. Christ’s prayer for unity in his Church is predicated on our experience of his glory in our lives and in our midst. Again, it is the blessing of God’s presence which testifies to the watching world of Christ’s mission and love. We multiply in fruitfulness and numbers when we live together in God’s presence. Walking with God is meant to be experienced together with others.

Have we privatized our faith and missed the blessing of living in unity with other Christ-followers?

Has our church, or denomination, isolated ourselves from our brothers and sisters in Christ and missed the blessing of God’s unifying presence in our midst?

There is always more!

“Lord Jesus, I pray for the grace to live in the blessing of unity with your broader Church, for your glory.”