Kingdom Prayers

 Matthew 5-7 

“’This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven…”

Matthew 6:9, 10

Reorienting our focus in prayer around our Father in heaven, his kingdom-coming here on earth, and his will being done here as it is in heaven, completely changes how we typically pray. Our prayers are often focused on how we are doing, what we need, and our struggles.

Can we discipline our prayers as Christ taught us, with the focus on our Father?

Our needs for daily bread and deliverance from evil follow, but don’t lead. Praying “kingdom prayers” lifts us to another perspective and focuses our prayers on the priorities of the Father’s kingdom-mission to reach and transform people and nations.

What adjustments is Jesus inviting us to make in how we pray today?

“Lord Jesus, teach me to pray, for your glory.”