Made Herself Ready
Revelation 19-22
“’Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean was given her to wear.’” [Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.]
Revelation 19:7, 8
The wedding of the Lamb is closer today than ever before.
Are we invited to that wedding?
Are we ready?
The bride has made herself ready. Our righteousness is in Christ alone; and our wedding garments come from him. Clothed in Christ’s righteousness, we have the privilege of participating with God in his righteous acts on earth. Joining Christ in his mission to make disciples for all nations is at the heart of God’s righteous acts in these last days. We are not just saved for heaven! We are saved and made righteous in order to participate in God’s righteous acts on earth and live with readiness for Christ’s return.
As we enter a new year, reflect on God’s gifts to us in Christ and our privilege in joining him as never before throughout the coming year.
Will we make ourselves ready?
“Lord Jesus, you are my righteousness so I can participate in your righteous acts in these last days, for your glory.”