A Generous Heart
Exodus 25-27; Acts 6
“The Lord said to Moses, ‘Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from each man whose heart prompts him to give.’”
Exodus 25:1, 2
God’s discipleship of a nation of former slaves included worship and an invitation to give. The sudden plunder of Egypt by the Israelites, who had lived as slaves their whole lives, tested their hearts.
Would the Israelites hold on to their recently acquired wealth, or would they open their hearts and generously give offerings to God for the building of the tabernacle?
With the blessings we have received, are we committed to tithing - is our heart in it?
Are we listening to the promptings of our heart?
The freewill offering principle that God instituted shaped how Israel worshipped God. Without freewill offerings the tabernacle would not have been constructed and the priests would not have been able to function.
How is the Lord disciplining us to worship him with our resources?
“Lord God, all I have is yours. Fill my heart with generosity to give freely, for your glory.”