Forgiveness and Faith
Genesis 42-43; Psalms 5; Luke 17
“’…If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, “I repent”, forgive him.’ The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith!’”
Luke 17:3-5
Why does Christ’s call to his disciples to forgive a brother who sins against them require faith?
Our human response is to withhold forgiveness until we either see a change in behavior or some sense of justice or punishment meted out to our offender - especially if we see repeated sinful behavior toward us. Forgiveness requires faith that God is at work in the life of our offending brother or sister. God will ultimately bring good out of the pain of our offense. With faith, we see our own sin took Christ to the cross to die for us. With faith, we see that our sin grieves God; yet, he continues to extend his grace to us, in Christ. It takes faith, lots of faith, to daily receive God’s forgiveness and to daily extend that forgiveness to the brother or sister who hurt us.
“Lord Jesus, increase my faith and expression of your forgiveness, for your glory.”