God’s Mission

Genesis 47-48; Psalms 10; Luke 19 

“As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, ‘If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace – but now it is hidden from your eyes…because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.’”

Luke 19:41, 42, 44

God’s mission is still to bring the peace of his kingdom to every city. The Kairos moment, or appointed time of God’s favour toward us in Christ, is now. The word “episcope”, or apostolic leader, is used to describe the coming of God’s presence. The Church is God’s missionary to the world.

Are we bringing the reality of God’s manifest presence to our cities?

When the Church forgets who she is, she becomes focused on her own well-being and comfort. We are God’s apostolic mission in the world; the time of God’s favour is now. The good news of the Gospel is that peace is available for every conflict, every nation, and every person. Jesus has paid the price for the wrongs we have done, and those done to us. Forgiveness brings freedom and peace. 

Like Jesus, will we weep in intercession for our own cities and nations until the Prince of Peace pours out his Spirit on his Church, empowering us for mission?

“Lord Jesus, come in power to your Church and the nations, for your glory.”