Sifting for a Purpose
Exodus 3-5; Luke 22
“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
Luke 22:31, 32
Satan is still asking God if he can sift the followers of Jesus like wheat! The sifting process separates the wheat from the chaff and exposes any stones or unwanted pieces. While Satan’s purpose is to destroy the followers of Jesus, God redeems this persecution to both purify and strengthen our faith. Those who are not sincere in their faith are exposed. When leaders stumble and fall like Simon, they find new depths of God’s mercy and grace. When they turn back to the Lord, their brokenness and new levels of humility and dependency on Christ serves to strengthen the community of faith.
Have we been sifted recently?
How are we responding?
Is this testing producing good fruit in our lives and in our community?
Is our faith failing, or being forged by the fire?
Jesus is praying for us! We are not alone.
“Lord Jesus, thank you for your grace in my temptations and tests of faith, for your glory.”