Committed to God’s Grace
Leviticus 20-22; Acts 20
“Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”
Acts 20:32
We get a window on Paul’s confidence in the Lord to care for disciples in this farewell speech on the beach outside Ephesus. Paul committed the elders of the Church to “God and to the word of his grace”, rather than an apostolic leader as a replacement. Paul was clear that the spiritual warfare against this Church would continue to be intense. In the days ahead, “Savage wolves” were coming - internal leaders who would distort the truth and lead to divisions and doctrinal splits. Paul’s confidence was in the grace of God operating through the team of elders, or under-shepherds of God’s Church, to discern the attacks of the enemy and to resist them. When we understand the grace of God in our own lives, we can commit our teams and those we serve and lead to the word of God’s grace as well.
What relationship or situation do we need to release to the grace of God?
“Lord Jesus, I trust you with my family, the team I serve with, and your Church, for your glory.”