Gospel Confidence

Leviticus 13,14; Acts 17

“As his custom was, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead.”

Acts 17:2, 3

Paul was gospel-centered in his ministry strategy, keeping his focus on Jesus wherever he traveled.

What are we focused on?

The Macedonians had poverty, political reform issues, education issues, and many other challenges we could relate to; yet, Paul knew the most important need they had was for a relationship with Jesus Christ. The Scriptures were Paul’s tool, his weapon in a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of a city. His subject was Jesus.

Are we confident that Jesus is the best answer for the challenges in our communities today?

Are we able to clearly communicate the Gospel in every context?

This gospel-confidence will change our lives and ministry if we will live gospel-centered lives wherever we are.

“Lord Jesus, you are the Good News the world needs, for your glory.”